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Cell stratification and CNV#


Distinguishing malignant cells from normal cells remains a significant challenge in single-cell transcriptomics. To confidently identify malignant cells among other cell populations, multiple pieces of evidence are necessary. In our pipeline, we have incorporated two common types of evidence: gene signatures and CNV analysis.


In this module, we employ a conservative strategy, offering users the choice between two distinct methods for identifying malignant populations: i) the inferCNV-based method, and ii) the consensus score. The consensus score is a method currently under development, which amalgamates gene signatures, various CNV predictions, and cluster/patient specificity.

1. Running pipeline#

1.1. On the HPC#

By default the previous command line considers thresholds.


  • workflow_level = Stratification
  • input_stratification_method = infercnv_label
  • thr_cluster_size = 1000
  • thr_consensus_score = 2
nextflow run --workflow_level Stratification --project_name Training --sample_csv sample_table.csv --meta_data meta_data.csv --cancer_type Ovarian -resume -profile seadragon

1.2. On Cirro#

Alternatively, we execute this task on Cirro.


  • Defining the pipeline entrypoints = Stratification
  • Method to define stratification labels = infercnv_label
  • Defining cluster size limit = 1000
  • Consensus score threshold (Beta) = 2

On Cirro, users should (Do not run):

  • Navigate to the Pipelines tab and enter "BTC scRNA Pipeline" in the search engine.
  • Change the Dataset to BTC Training dataset and the Copy Parameters From option to Run_01.
  • Double-check the aforementioned parameters and click Run.

2. Inspecting report#

For convenience the figures can be located in the Test_stratification_report.html report within the Run_02 dataset.

2.1. InferCNV predictions#

The first UMAP displays malignancy status based on inferCNV predictions. By default, the pipeline will utilize this annotation for downstream analysis. The inferCNV utilizes a time-consuming statistical method, therefore we applied a heuristic approach by subsampling cells per cluster, thr_cluster_size. In summary, the method performs well, but it has limitations in displaying misassigned cells, and low accuracy in small populations.

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InferCNV predictions are carried out in two distinct modes: reference-based, which leverages known malignant cells from the single-cell experiment, and reference-free mode, which employs a statistical procedure to estimate the CNV load cut-off. Currently, we utilize the reference-free mode. The pipeline stores the inferCNV heatmap in the data folder.

2.2. Consensus approach (under development)#

Alternatively, we also offer annotations based on the consensus approach (under development), which appears to more effectively capture smaller cell populations. However, neither approach can be considered flawless.

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The user can change malignancy classifier by switching the parameter, input_stratification_method. The options are infercnv_label or consensus_label.

2.3. CD45 marker based on FACS#

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The malignancy prediction can generally be correlated with CD45 status (protein-level expression). However, minor discrepancies might be linked to the presence of normal cells with CD45- status in the dataset.

3. Exercise: Exploring alternative approaches to perform malignant identification#


Does the consensus method affect the meta-program analysis? What happens if we change the consensus threshold? A: Run_Consensus and Run_Consensus_Meta_Threshold

Please note: When configuring the pipeline on Cirro, ensure that the Dataset is set to BTC Training dataset and select Run_02 for the Copy Parameters From option. Additionally, configure the Entrypoint parameter to Stratification.

Tip: Accelerate the process by reducing cluster size limit to 100


  1. Infer Copy Number Variation from Single-Cell RNA-Seq Data