Advanced configuration#
1. Creating Nextflow profiles#
For users running the pipeline in an HPC environment, it is necessary to set up a profile. Essentially, Nextflow profiles define specific settings related to the job scheduler of the HPC. Various HPCs may employ different engines for job scheduling, such as SLURM, TORQUE, and LSF.
1.1 SLURM profile#
The profiles should be written on the nextflow.config
file. For HPCs, it is essential to load the singularity
module. This instruction will replace the module load
institution {
module = 'singularity/3.7.0'
singularity {
enabled = true
process {
executor = 'slurm'
queue = 'medium'
params {
max_memory = 128.GB
max_cpus = 32
max_time = 24.h
The previous snippet creates a profile for a institution powered by SLURM. It includes several settings, such as loading modules like singularity/3.7.0
, and specifying the job scheduling engine with the executor
property. Nextflow works with many engines; for more details, refer to the official documentation. Please note that the process
scope should match the HPC specs, i.e., queue, memory and cpus.
1.2. Container and Nextflow pipelines#
Why use Singularity/Docker? It's important to note that Nextflow pipelines integrate with containers to ensure reproducibility and portability. This integration guarantees that, during pipeline execution, each module operates within a predefined computational environment, which includes all required software, libraries, and programming languages. Consequently, researchers can trust that their workflows will yield consistent results across various platforms. Additionally, these workflows can be effortlessly shared and run by collaborators in different computing environments.
2. Pipeline entrypoints#
This pipeline was designed with multiple entry points in mind. It is still a work in progress, but the pipeline already offers ways to skip a few modules (processes) and entire routines (sub-workflows). The entry points are named based on major functions: Basic, Stratification, Annotation, nonMalignant, and Malignant. Details are provided below.
3. Adding gene signatures and meta-programs#
The pipeline allows flexibility regarding cell or meta-program markers. Currently, we provide two databases with curated cell markers [1] and meta-programs [2].
3.1. Cell Markers#
To customize the cell markers database, it's essential to adhere to pipeline conventions. Firstly, the table should consist of four columns, as detailed below. Most importantly, the cell type column will determine the annotation level at which the pipeline will operate.
cell_subset | cell_type | annotation | markers |
Lineage markers Subsets | Major cells | T-Cells | CD3D |
Lineage markers Subsets | Major cells | T-Cells | CD3E |
Lineage markers Subsets | Major cells | T-Cells | CD4 |
Lineage markers Subsets | Major cells | T-Cells | CD8A |
Lineage markers Subsets | Major cells | T-Cells | CD8B |
Lineage markers Subsets | Major cells | NK Cells | NCAM1 |
Lineage markers Subsets | Major cells | NK Cells | KLRG1 |
Lineage markers Subsets | Major cells | NK Cells | FCGR3A |
Lineage markers Subsets | Major cells | NK Cells | NKG7 |
Note that each marker (gene) is presented in a single row. This long format aligns with best practices for data analysis.
3.2. Meta-programs#
Similar to customizing cell markers, users will need to adhere to pre-established standards. The source
column will serve as the anchor that the pipeline uses to subset the meta-programs database.
source | meta_program | gene_marker |
Malignant | Astrocytes | SPARCL1 |
Malignant | Astrocytes | GFAP |
Malignant | Astrocytes | CLU |
Malignant | Astrocytes | CRYAB |
Malignant | Astrocytes | TTYH1 |
Malignant | Astrocytes | SLC1A3 |
Malignant | Astrocytes | CST3 |
Malignant | Astrocytes | ID3 |
Malignant | Astrocytes | AGT |
Malignant | Astrocytes | APOE |
4. Adding custom genomes on the pipeline (Cellranger alignment).#
The pipeline employs Cellranger for alignment. We set up the reference genome based on Gencode (v46) and GRCH38. To achieve this, we adhered to the tutorial provided in the 10x Genomics documentation.
Alternatively, users can substitute it with a version of their choice, but certain conventions must be observed. The mkref output should be stored in a folder that adheres to the following structure:
The terms ANNOTATION and GENOME_VERSION should be replaced with the user's preferred choices. Next, the user will need to edit a few lines on conf/igenomes.config
within btc-scrna-pipeline
params {
// illumina iGenomes reference file paths
genomes {
'GRCh38' {
cellranger = "${params.igenomes_base}/Genomes/Homo_sapiens/Gencode46/GRCh38"
// Add your custom genome here
'Custom' {
cellranger = "${params.igenomes_base}/Genomes/Homo_sapiens/ANNOTATION/GENOME_VERSION"
Finally, the command line should have both genome
and igenomes_base
nextflow run --project_name Training --sample_csv sample_table.csv --meta_data meta_data.csv --cancer_type Ovarian --genome Custom path/to/Genomes/Homo_sapiens/ANNOTATION/GENOME_VERSION" --igenomes_base -resume -profile seadragon